International IDEA support to the Summit for Democracy 2021-2022

International IDEA views the Summit for Democracy as a strategic opportunity to place democracy at the front and center of the global agenda. The war in Ukraine underscores even more the need for democracies to stand united in the face of authoritarian threats. International IDEA has therefore developed a strategic engagement programme around the Summits … Continued

International Democracy Day 2022

From 14 to 16 September 2022, International IDEA and its partners, Carnegie Europe, the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), the European Network of Political Foundations (ENOP), and the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) held a series of online and in-person discussions. Topics ranged from involving civil society in rebuilding Ukraine after Russia’s unjustified invasion, democracy … Continued

Nordic Foreign Ministers: Making the case for democracy

The Foreign Ministers of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden have released a statement stressing the threat to sustainable development posed by the global decline of democracy, highlighting four key evidence-based conclusions: The return of democracy as a norm would significantly strengthen global peace and security Democracy is critical to mitigating the environmental and climate … Continued

Post Summit for Democracy Dialogue: Analyzing country commitments and exploring opportunities for engagement

The International Institute for Electoral and Democracy Assistance (International IDEA) and the European Commission held a hybrid event in Brussels on 20 June 2022; Post Summit for Democracy (S4D) Dialogue: Analysing country commitments and exploring opportunities for engagement. Representatives from the EU, EU Member States, government representatives from outside the EU and civil society exchanged insights … Continued

Mayors Introduce Global Declaration for Democracy

51 mayors from across 5 continents joined together to release a Global Declaration of Mayors for Democracy. The declaration, which builds on a 2019 initiative and the commitments made by mayors at the S4D, reaffirms their unwavering commitment to rebuilding and reinforcing democracy, standing up for free and fair elections at home and abroad, defending … Continued

New International IDEA Report: Unpacking the Summit for Democracy Commitments – Opportunities for the Year of Action and Second Summit

International IDEA is pleased to announce the publication of our report providing an analysis of the first Summit and presenting several options and opportunities for the second Summit. Read the full report here. Some key recommendations include: All countries participating in the Summit should be further encouraged to submit written commitments to publicly affirm their … Continued

Biden touts democracy at Americas summit but faces sharp pushback

Cleve R. Wootson Jr. and Seung Min Kim report in the Washington Post on the dynamics at last week’s Summit of the Americas. While President Biden noted great unity on substantive issues, such as democracy and climate change, the Summit was overshadowed by the exclusion of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua. The exclusion of these three … Continued

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