Summit for Democracy Cohorts Analysis Published

International IDEA has published an analysis of Democracy Cohort an overview of the purpose, work and outputs of the 16 Democracy Cohorts established or announced by February 2023 in the context of the Summit for Democracy organised by the US Government. The main contribution of the Democracy Cohorts to the Summit for Democracy process is … Continued

Summit for Democracy 2023 and Regional Programmes Announced

From 28 to 30 March 2023, the Second Summit for Democracy will be held. The full agenda can be found here. On 28 March, the U.S. Government will host a variety of Cabinet- and Sub-Cabinet- level thematic events to spotlight key Summit themes. Please refer to the Regional Programmes listed below. On 29 March, the … Continued

Why the Next Democracy Summit Must Go Beyond Civil Society Support

Katya Rimkunas and Patrick Quirk argue in the National Interest for why political parties should be better included in the efforts and commitments of the Summit for Democracy process. The authors contend that the current format offers too narrow of a solution, focussed disproportionately on supporting civil society and countering corruption without the requisite reforms … Continued

Connecting global to local through country-level dialogues on the Summit for Democracy

International IDEA, with the support from the European Commission, has been contributing to increasing effective evidence-based and coordinated support for democracy across the world through the Supporting Team Europe Democracy (STED) project. Within this project, the Summit for Democracy (S4D) emerged as a unique opportunity to place democracy at the centre of the global agenda. … Continued

Summit for Democracy 2023 Announced

The US Department of State has announced the dates for the Second Summit for Democracy, to be held on 29-30 March 2023. The event will be co-hosted by the governments of the United States, Costa Rica, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, and Republic of Zambia. It will assemble world leaders in a virtual, plenary format, … Continued

Access Now #KeepItOn Coalition’s Shutdown Impact Stories Project via the Technology for Democracy Cohort

As internet shutdowns are increasingly weaponised by authorities worldwide, violating people’s right to a free, open and secure internet, it is increasingly important for global alignment and coordination to support digital rights issues and defend civil society. In its capacity as a co-leader of the Technology for Democracy Cohort of the Summit for Democracy, Access … Continued

Democratic Innovations From Around the World: Lessons for the West

Richard Youngs and Ken Godfrey, as part of the European Democracy Hub initiative run by Carnegie Europe and the European Partnership for Democracy, categorise distinctive types of citizen participation from around the world and consider their policy implications. The Western model of selection-based mini-publics is often considered the “gold standard” for participation, since citizens have … Continued

International IDEA support to the Summit for Democracy 2021-2022

International IDEA views the Summit for Democracy as a strategic opportunity to place democracy at the front and center of the global agenda. The war in Ukraine underscores even more the need for democracies to stand united in the face of authoritarian threats. International IDEA has therefore developed a strategic engagement programme around the Summits … Continued

International Democracy Day 2022

From 14 to 16 September 2022, International IDEA and its partners, Carnegie Europe, the European Endowment for Democracy (EED), the European Network of Political Foundations (ENOP), and the European Partnership for Democracy (EPD) held a series of online and in-person discussions. Topics ranged from involving civil society in rebuilding Ukraine after Russia’s unjustified invasion, democracy … Continued

Rising Hostility to Democracy Support: Can It Be Countered?

As part of the European Democracy Hub initiative run by by Carnegie Europe and the European Partnership for Democracy, Nicolas Bouchet, Ken Godfrey and Richard Youngs consider how democracy support organisations can continue to operate in increasingly hostile contexts. The article specifically addresses operating in fully hostile environments, in which the state is closing the … Continued

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The Summit for Democracy newsletter is a joint initiative of the Global Democracy Coalition powered by Accountability Lab and International IDEA. Sign up today and receive the latest news on the Summit for Democracy, including stakeholder updates, the Summit in the media, and upcoming events and publications!

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