Georgia must bolster resilience to information warfare

Isabella Wilkinson and Tamar Dekanosidze consider the implications of the Russian invasion of Ukraine for the information landscape of and fight against disinformation in Georgia. Similar to in Ukraine, the Kremlin has been waging a long-term information campaign in Georgia, with war in Ukraine amplifying the urgency of decisive action to build resilience in Georgia … Continued

How Canada can help promote democracy abroad

David Gillies considers in Open Canada the prospects for Canada’s commitment to establishing a Canadian centre to promote democracy and good governance around the world. The centre is set to expand the availability of Canadian expertise and assistance to human rights and democracy supporters and will prioritise fast and flexible support for fragile and emerging … Continued

Why We Need a Transatlantic Democracy Agenda

Marie Kwon argues in the German Marshall Fund of the United States that for countries to successfully address democratic decline, transatlantic partners must take a collaborative approach. She notes that neither the US nor the EU has emerged unscathed from the past ten years of democratic decline, and that the shortcomings in the world’s established … Continued

The Battle Between Democracy and Autocracy, From Russia to Cambodia

Sam Rainsy, Former Minister of Economy and Finance of Cambodia, writes in the Diplomat reminding us of how stable democracies are fundamental to peace. Democracy and peace are mutually reinforcing– it is rare for democracies to invade neighbours or go to war with each other, and the unpopularity of war with an empowered public of … Continued

Beyond NATO, new alliances could defend democracy and counter Putin

John Davenport writes in the Conversation about opportunities for democratic alliances to respond to the new challenges to democracy and human rights in the 21st century. He draws from his research, which indicates that “new alliances may be needed to replace, or at least expand and support, the familiar ones built to keep global peace … Continued

Ukraine’s real-life challenge for democracy

Hanna Hopko and Laura Thornton in the Hill make the case for the importance of Ukraine for democracy globally and the fight against authoritarianism. The authors argue that, “if the entire point of the Summit for Democracy is to protect democracy, Ukraine should be the rallying cry to make good on the commitment.” Ukrainian democracy … Continued

Commitment to Democracy Is Needed Now More Than Ever

Laura Thornton and Annika Silva-Leander consider in GMFUS’ Alliance for Securing Democracy the little visible action on commitments after the Summit. Against the backdrop of rising global authoritarianism, the Summit must not be an empty initiative of words with no action or follow-up. The authors believe that the Summit “matters if the momentum created by … Continued

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