Voices of the Future and a Youth Agenda for American Democracy

In the fall of 2021, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences organised two initiatives aimed at incorporating the input of young Americans, giving them a voice as the US Administration and wider world engages in the Year of Action on democracy reform. The first project, Voices of the Future, polled 18 to 29 year … Continued

Coalition Urges U.S. Government to Stand Up for Democracy at Home

On 31 January 2022, a coalition of over 80 non-profit organisations including Public Citizen, American Civil Liberties Union, InterAction, the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, Oxfam America, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Partnership for American Democracy published a letter to top White House officials. The letter urged the United States to more fully … Continued

The Summit for Democracy: what’s next?

Jamie Shea for Friends of Europe considers democratic prospects for the Year of Action throughout 2022 in the leadup to the follow-up Summit in December 2022. He emphasised the importance making commitments public and channelling this transparency towards useful civil society oversight in monitoring commitments and pressuring governments to uphold said commitments. Promising areas of … Continued

Strengthening Democracy Is a Better Counterterrorism Strategy

Jason S Calder and Lauren van Metre write in Foreign Policy, considering the gaps in the Summit’s discussion regarding the impact on democracy building in fragile states US approach to countering terrorism and violent extremist groups. The authors argue that incorporating commitments on anti-corruption, human rights and opening civic spaces into the US counter-terrorism approach … Continued

Can the Summit for Democracy deliver?

Susannah Fitzgerald of the UK Anti-Corruption Coalition, Aarti Narsee of CIVICUS and Karla McLaren of Amnesty International UK weigh in on how the Prime Minister of the UK and other world leaders can deliver on efforts associated with the Summit. For Fitzgerald, the UK and other such countries need to be honest about their own … Continued

What a Successful Summit for Democracy Looks Like from Africa

Gregory Kearns outlines in Modern Diplomacy concrete ways for the Summit to advance democracy in Africa. He begins by considering the state of democracy in Africa, before moving on to concrete suggestions to which the US and its allies should commit. Suggestions include promoting intra-party democracy and the inclusion of minority groups (notably youth and … Continued

Biden’s ‘Summit for Democracy’ needs to be democratized

Laura Thornton in The Hill criticises the undemocratic closed-door nature of the preparations for the Summit and lack of participation by civil society, making suggestions for a more dynamic, open and inclusive approach moving forward. The Year of Action following the Summit will be crucial, during which time follow-up events can provide inspiration, innovation and … Continued

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