Global Views of Biden’s Democracy Summit

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace gathers voices from across the world to consider how different regions and countries perceive the Summit, and what it will take for it to be a success. Inputs are given from Africa, Europe, Japan, Latin America, South Asia and the United States. The piece ends with a consideration of crucial … Continued

International IDEA Democracy Statement

Democracy is a universal aspiration and an enabler of sustainable development. As Member States of International IDEA, we are stewards of this conviction and heirs to the historic transformation of the past century, which turned democratic government into the global norm, thus enhancing development, human rights, peace and security.  Democratic aspirations and the promise of … Continued

Betting on democracy: Biden’s big idea for US foreign policy

Edward Luce of the Financial Times considers the implications of the Summit for US foreign policy. While the Summit communicates the sentiment globally that America is committed to democracy at home and abroad, there are still many who have qualms about it’s ability to achieve its stated goals and its impacts on American foreign policy, … Continued

Summit Schedule Released – WATCH LIVE

Explore the schedule of the summit from Day Zero on 8 December 2021 to Day Two on 10 December 2021. All events are open to public and press unless otherwise indicated, and will be live-streamed on the Summit homepage. All times are presented in Eastern Standard Time (EST) and are subject to change. Explore the Schedule … Continued

Who’s In and Who’s Out From Biden’s Democracy Summit

Stephen Feldstein of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace analysed the democratic status of invitees to the Summit based on their scores in the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) database, Freedom House, and the 2020 Digital Repression Index. He notes that based on their Freedom House scores, 69 per cent of invitees are ranked as “Free”, … Continued

Democracy Summit Participants Should Examine Own Role in Countering Global Democratic Decline, Must Include Civil Society

Freedom House has released the following statement ahead of the Summit: “We look forward to the Biden administration’s leadership of this important effort to strengthen democracy around the globe,” said Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House. “The invited countries can and must lead the way to a freer, more democratic world, while simultaneously bolstering … Continued

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