6 things to watch during the Summit of the Americas

As the Summit of the Americas commences, for which expectations are fairly low that the Biden Administration will deliver, Nahal Toosi highlights six aspects for our attention in Politico. Those that choose to attend, and those that do not, will be telling, with Biden’s decision to exclude Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua controversial. The Administration has … Continued

Latin America’s divisions over defending democracy

Bello writes in the Economist about the quality of relations between countries in Latin America and with the United States ahead of the Summit of Americas at the beginning of June. This year the event will likely highlight the internal disagreements among Latin American countries and the region’s partial retreat from democracy. This factor is … Continued

Solving the Failure of Governments to Respond to the Climate Crisis: The Case for Environmental Democracy

From 29 to 31 March, the Westminster Foundation, in partnership with the National Democratic Institute and the World Resources Institute (WRI), organized an international conference on environmental democracy. The conference contributed to demonstrating the interdependencies between democracy and environmentalism: democratic legitimacy depends on an effective response to climate change, and fighting climate change requires such … Continued

Digital Services Act: Commission welcomes political agreement on rules ensuring a safe and accountable online environment

On 23 April 2022, the Commission announced that a political agreement has been reached between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the December 2020 proposal on the Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA will set an unprecedented new standard in holding platforms accountable for illegal and harmful content, providing better protections for users … Continued

Freedom House Nations in Transit 2022 Policy Recommendations

Freedom House has released policy recommendations targeted towards helping to counter authoritarianism and support human rights and democracy in the Nations in Transit region. Solutions will need to involve states, civil society and the private sector, and care should be taken to ensure that solutions do not result in strengthened undemocratic alliances. Recommendations focus on … Continued

US State Department Kicks Off ‘Democracy Cohorts’ Initiative as Part of the Summit’s Year of Action

The United States is launching multistakeholder platforms, called Democracy Cohorts, to take joint action in supporting commitment implementation in priority focus areas. Each Democracy Cohort will bring together governments and authorities that demonstrate the political will for progress on key Summit commitments in cooperation with the relevant non-governmental stakeholders. Each cohort will be co-led by … Continued

The Global Fragility Strategy Gets a Refresh

Erol Yayboke, Catherine Nzuki, and Anastasia Strouboulis provide an overview of the newly-announced prologue to the 2020 U.S. Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability, the Global Fragility Strategy (GFS). Priority countries that will be the focus of targeted violence prevention programming and new congressionally appropriated funding include Haiti, Libya, Mozambique, Papua New Guinea, Benin, … Continued

Tech and Democracy: Related Written Commitments from S4D 2021

The Digital Impact and Governance Initiative (DIGI) compiled a list of the over 100 commitments made that related specifically to technology and democracy. DIGI identified six broad areas of focus: Institutional readiness Digital transformation Information integrity Free, open and interoperable internet Critical and emerging technologies Cybersecurity and countering authoritarianism The list is available in a … Continued

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