This lifeline for independent media could also boost democracy around the world

Jeanne Bourgault and Jason Lambert of Internews write about the challenges for independent media and how data-based strategies can help independent outlets to thrive, with a US-led initiative called the Media Viability Accelerator (MVA) that was announced at the Summit. The past two decades has seen traditional media disrupted, scores of outlets closed, and increasingly … Continued

Global Conference for Media Freedom: Joint communiqué

On 9 and 10 February, the Media Freedom Coalition (MFC) held its Third Global Conference for Media Freedom in Tallinn, Estonia, releasing a joint statement in support of media freedom. Media freedom is essential for a well-functioning democracy: it ensures factual and accurate public debate and discussion, and facilitates accountability by helping to support the … Continued

Media Freedom Coalition: What’s next?

In February 2022, representatives from governments and civil society across the Media Freedom Coalition (MFC)’s fifty member countries gathered as an informal alliance of governments working cooperatively to support media freedom globally. Miriam Küller in Deutsche Welle (DW) considers ways to make its work more effective. Media freedom has drawn increasing attention in recent years, … Continued

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