Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online endorsed by 30 countries

On 20 September 2023, Canada and the Netherlands launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online, which was endorsed by Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Czechia, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Georgia, Iceland, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Slovakia, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Uruguay and United States.
The Declaration recognises the importance of a reliable, safe and diverse online information ecosystem in supporting open, free and inclusive public debate. Democratic discussion is fuelled by consideration of scientific evidence and shared facts, fuelling the need to support information integrity online in the face of increasing mis- and disinformation, often spread by coordinated campaigns by state and non-state actors. It establishes a set of high-level international commitments by participating States to protect and promote information integrity online, setting out expectations for industry and online platforms to respect human rights and employ business practices that contribute to a healthy information ecosystem online.
The Declaration builds on the work of the Information Integrity Cohort and to complement existing UN efforts. 11 commitments are made and online platforms and the industry are invited to adhere to 12 items. Read the full declaration here.