U.S. and European Strategies to Tackle Human Rights in Global Supply Chains

On 10 May 2022, the Center for Strategic and International Studies will discuss the strategies with which the EU and US hope to counter human rights abuses in global supply chains. The issue has become more important than ever in the aftermath of Russia's unjustified invasion of Ukraine, with the US launching a $124 million initiative to support worker organizing around the world at the Summit for Democracy, and the European Commission proposing a directive on corporate sustainability due diligence.
The event will feature a discussion between Sabine Muscat (Program Director, Technology and Digital Policy, Heinrich Böll Foundation) and Michael Anthony (Co-founder, Vertical52), co-author of a journalistic investigation into the use of child labor in Mica mining in India, which will be followed by a panel discussion moderated by Marti Flacks (Director of the CSIS Human Rights Initiative) and featuring Heidi Hautala (Member of European Parliament, Greens/European Free Alliance), Thea Lee (Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs, Bureau of International Labor Affairs), Barbara Küppers (Public Affairs Manager, Terre Des Hommes), and David McKean (Acting Executive Director, International Corporate Accountability Roundtable).
A live recording of the event will be available above.