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Reimagining American Democracy: Democracy in America, Democracy in the World

As the seventh part of their Reimagining American Democracy series, a new discussion series designed to address the future of democracy in the USA, speakers will discuss what role American democracy should play on the world stage, and how engagement abroad could help to strengthen democracy at home.

The program is free and open to the public, and features journalist-led conversations with the thinkers, activists, policymakers, and organizations envisioning what a more vibrant and inclusive democracy in America could look like - and what it will take to get there.

Featured speakers include:

  • Condoleezza Rice, Director, Hoover Institution, 66th Secretary of State
  • Keisha Lance Bottoms, Mayor, City of Atlanta
  • Jeanne Meserve, Journalist, Member, Transatlantic Commission for Election Integrity
  • Will Hurd, Congressman, State of Texas
  • Eric Liu, Co-Founder and CEO, Citizen University
  • Thomas Hicks, Commissioner, U.S. Election Assistance Commission
  • Yasmin Greene, R&D Director, Google Jigsaw 
  • Christopher Cabaldon, Mayor-in-Residence, Institute for the Future
  • Amber McReynolds, Founding CEO, National Vote at Home Institute
Event date
16 December 2021
Organising parties
Freedom House