Open Government for Stronger Democracies: Launch of the Global Assessment on Open Government

On 15 November 2023, the OECD will launch its new report, “Open Government for Stronger Democracies: A Global Assessment”. The report takes stock of progress made since 2017, when the last report was released, and consider its continued relevance for countries. The discussion will highlight key findings from the report, including key implementation gaps and lessons that can be drawn for countries when setting ambitious future goals.
Opening remarks will be given by Elsa Pilichowski, Director for Public Governance, OECD; Sanjay Pradhan, CEO, Open Government Partnership (OGP); and Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Minister of Local and Regional Government, Finland. A discussion will include panelists Katju Holkeri, Chair of the OECD Working Party on Open Government and Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Finance, Finland; Paul Maassen, Chief, Country Support, OGP; Alvaro Ramirez Alujas, Professor at University of Chile and Principal investigator of the Research Group for Government, Public Administration and Public Policies.