Democratic Resilience and Backsliding: Coping with the Challenges of the Post-Pandemic World

On 6 April 2022, International IDEA and the V-Dem Institute, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN, will present the results of their analyses on the state of democracy in the world. In a growingly inter-connected and inter-dependent world, no country can afford to deal with crises of such nature without relying on cooperation and mutual understanding; however, enhancing international cooperation requires that there is such a thing as a rules-based international order. A world in which might is right is a world in which global cooperation to solve global challenges is all but impossible.
The panel will be followed by an interactive discussion. The live stream will be available to watch above.
- Dr Massimo Tommasoli, Permanent Observer for International IDEA to the UN
Opening Remarks
- H.E. Charlotta Schlyter, Ambassador, Economic and Social Affairs, Permanent Mission of Sweden to the UN
- Professor Staffan I. Lindberg, Director, V-Dem Institute, Dept. of Political Science, Univ. of Gothenburg
- Dr Seema Shah, Head, Democracy Assessment, International IDEA
- Ulrika Modéer, Assistant Secretary-General and Director of Bureau of External Relations and Advocacy, UNDP