Poland’s Election Represents a Setback to Illiberalism

Laura Thornton and David Salvo consider the broader implications of Poland’s election results for illiberal forces in Europe and globally, as it may present an important opportunity to reverse the course on the regional trend of choosing leaders that embrace anti-democratic values and anti-Ukraine rhetoric as we move towards key elections taking place in 2024, … Continued

Why the Next Democracy Summit Must Go Beyond Civil Society Support

Katya Rimkunas and Patrick Quirk argue in the National Interest for why political parties should be better included in the efforts and commitments of the Summit for Democracy process. The authors contend that the current format offers too narrow of a solution, focussed disproportionately on supporting civil society and countering corruption without the requisite reforms … Continued

The Summit for Democracy Can Only Be a Success If It Focuses on Youth

Blair Glencorse, Meryl Miner and Julie Murray argue for the importance of effective inclusion of youth in the Summit for Democracy process in Modern Diplomacy. The Summit provides a unique opportunity to engage and mobilise young people in democratic renewal. The youth are key voices for change, but often lack adequate space and accessible platforms … Continued

Rising Hostility to Democracy Support: Can It Be Countered?

As part of the European Democracy Hub initiative run by by Carnegie Europe and the European Partnership for Democracy, Nicolas Bouchet, Ken Godfrey and Richard Youngs consider how democracy support organisations can continue to operate in increasingly hostile contexts. The article specifically addresses operating in fully hostile environments, in which the state is closing the … Continued

Journal of Democracy: Drowning Democracy

Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili and Nataliia Shapoval draw an important lesson from the mistakes made in Afghanistan for the donor community in its engagement with Ukraine: Without the requisite engagement with local institutions and effective oversight mechanisms regarding spending, donor efforts can foster corruption, undermine institutions, and threaten stability. The authors highlight changes in Ukraine since … Continued

Making the EU’s New Development Aid Work for Democracy

Sergio Rodríguez Prieto, considers the opportunities presented by the new cycle of EU aid programmes, as part of the European Democracy Hub initiative run by Carnegie Europe and the European Partnership for Democracy. The new funding instrument, Global Europe, also known as the Neighbourhood, Development, and International Cooperation Instrument, harmonises a broad collection of tools … Continued

Three essential initiatives to defend democracy against corruption

Kristen Sample highlights three important global anti-corruption initiatives in The Hill. The damaging effects of corruption on democracy have been widely documented, and as corruption has become increasingly globalised, effective and durable solutions will require international buy-in. Sample highlights three initiatives: Stand with Ukraine, which is the international effort to support Ukraine in the wake … Continued

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